Relationship Modulation

mod•u•late to vary the tone, intensity, frequency, amplitude, and/or phase. 

My work in the Executive Development Program (EDP) at Kellogg Graduate School provides constant reminders of how important it is to modulate our behaviors in relationships.  By adjusting to other people, we create and maintain strong anchors to our relationships.

In EDP, small groups of leaders from all over the world – the Far East, Africa, Europe, South America, other parts of the U.S. – work together for 3 weeks on ways to become better equipped to realize their potential for general management roles.

My role as a group facilitator is to work with these leaders on ways to process the huge amount of information being shared and to identify ways to apply knowledge gained upon return to the “real” world.

Groups that “jell” typically overcome differences in cultural, industry, organizational, and (most important) personal traits quickly.  Group members begin to consciously vary a number of items, including:  tone of voice, body language, greetings, and ways of challenging/supporting another person’s position.  As the amount of modulation in the group increases, group members experience more enjoyable communications, broader insights, and greater results.  Members also experience higher levels of satisfaction for their organizations and for themselves once they go home.

Take a look at the video on the following link and you’ll not only learn more about EDP program, but you’ll be able to visualize the value of Relationship Modulation:

Remember…modulation is good for relationships!

Guy Summers

©Farrell Group, L.L.C. 2015

Written by Guy Summers

Guy Summers is President and Founder of Farrell Group L.L.C