Zoomed Out

“Zoom fatigue” is real.

In April of 2020, I began noticing a slew of articles that described the negative impact of videoconferencing.  In addition to exhaustion, many people were experiencing weight gain, eye strain, sleeplessness, isolation, and several other maladies.

While the benefits of videoconferencing are many, especially in the COVID world, the costs of all that time we spend on screens with each other is probably a lot higher than we think.

A recent Robert Half study indicated that approximately 40% of workers have experienced some video fatigue since the start of the pandemic.  It is not surprising that a quarter of those in this study said that they prefer email or phone calls to videoconferencing.

Zoom, Skype, Team and other types of virtual video meeting platforms force our brains to process much more information.  We must read body language, listen to verbal cues, sort different backgrounds, look people in the eye, and be cognizant of our appearance.  Not to mention technical issues…. frozen screens, slight delays, poor Wi-Fi, and system crashes.  Yikes!!

How can you reduce fatigue?  Here are some suggestions from the experts:

  • Replace as many video calls as possible with emails, texts, and/or phone calls.
  • Instead of calls with large numbers of people, set up smaller group or one on one conversations.
  • Double check your technology – and have back up plans in place.
  • Schedule mindful breaks between video calls – stretch, walk, or just meditate in the moment.
  • Aim for shorter calls with tight agendas. Meetings do not have to last for an hour!
  • Engage all five senses. Look for ways to smell, to touch, and to taste.
  • Eliminate your picture from the screen. You can be a distraction too.

One last thing – create space between work and home.  Save some energy for the things and people you enjoy in life.

And yes, that might even include a Zoom call to family or to a friend.


Photo: Andrea Piacquadio, Pexels

Written by Guy Summers

Guy Summers is President and Founder of Farrell Group L.L.C